Vulnerable Populations
There are many socioeconomic factors and historical influences that effect the health of populations and groups. In every aspect of life, there are minority populations and at risk groups. Through these resources below you can see vulnerable populations and how they are affected by current and past health issues.
Covid 19 and Vulnerable Populations
Relative to the current period of time, the Canada Government explains how cover-19 is effecting vulnerable populations.

Concept of Vulnerability in Health
This is a study done based on how vulnerable populations are treated within the health care system. Vulnerability is a term commonly described as the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally. Although defined this term is often not understood and this article attempts to fix this issue.

Health Disparities in Canada
In focusing on a vulnerable group such as aboriginal peoples, this articles looks at three determinants and how they effect the health of aboriginal people. This can be generalizable to many different vulnerable populations today.