Chronic Diseases

Cancer in Canada
Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in Canada and it has over 200 different forms that can attack your body. Having known people who have been effected by cancer, it is extra important to educate individuals on the determinants and symptoms and the importance of being aware of your body. Here is a link taking you the government of Canada and providing statistical information on Cancer.

Chronic Diseases in Canada
Chronic diseases are the major cause of death and disability worldwide, specifically in Canada, chronic diseases are projected to account for 89% of all deaths (WHO, 2019). Here is a report by the World Health Organization emphasizing the important of understanding the damaging effect of chronic disease and the need for lifestyle changes in Canada and around the world.

How Healthy are Canadians?
This is a brief description of how many Canadians live today with illness. The report is from 2016, but is still completed within the last 5 years and gives an eye opening view on how unhealthy our world has become.

Conquering Chronic Disease
Here is an inspiring video I recommend everyone to watch in regards to battling chronic disease and the power of hope. Although chronic disease is a detrimental thing to deal with, especially for your mind and body, but it can be fought and this resource shows that.